Thursday, November 15, 2018

Happy Six Months

On May 15th, 2018 I brought home my second horse. In some ways, she feels like my first horse. I bought Gambler in high school, so my mom still made some of the decisions and paid some of the expenses. Avalon is 100% mine. I searched for her and made the decision to buy her (although it would be more accurate to say that she found me than the other way around). I found a place to board her. I pay all of her expenses. My heart still aches for Gamby, he has a special place in my life that no other horse will ever fill, but Avalon will takes me places that Gambler never could have. 

Yesterday the weather was finally warm enough to visit the barn. Sidenote: it is time to invest in hand-warmers again, warm days like these are running out. I am purposefully choosing not to ask much of Ava during the winter. The hard work will start in the spring; for now we are just getting a feel for each other. That doesn't mean that I'm not training her. As my riding professor says, "Every time we interact with a horse we are either increasing or decreasing their worth. A horse that is worth more will have a better life." So yesterday we practiced yielding to pressure and standing calmly while the girth/cinch is being tightened. 

I love that adorable face. <3

Can't wait to put some muscle on that neck!

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