Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Why Blogger Why? !Warning!

I just completed a long, detailed post. Spent over an hour on it.

You know that feeling when you out in all this work and then the beautiful nearly-finished product is sitting there? And then you hit Save and Close to set it aside before the final edit. And then Blogger says . . . "you have unsaved changes" so you hit Save again.
And again.
And again.
And finally you close the post.

And it deletes more than half of the post.

If this happens to you, I suggest copying your post so you can paste it if the save button suddenly decides to quit. Wish I had thought of that earlier!

***Update:I don't know if I'm the only one experiencing this but Blogger is doing crazy ish today. My photos are coming off of my my phone in original size which has never happened. And I just deleted a duplicate post only to have it reappear. When I deleted it again, it changed to a different post after I hit Yes and deleted another draft I had in progress. Be careful in the wild jungle of blogger today! It's wild.***

Update numero dos:
The second deleted post magically showed up in my list of posts again. I opened and copied it, then it disappeared again. At least I was able to save my content! Still have no clue whats up. Maybe blogger is haunted?


  1. Ugh bummer! Yes sometimes typing it in word or google docs with autosave is a good idea.

    1. I might switch to that in the future. Something is definitely going on with my blogger account today. It's acting all kinds of strange.

  2. Oh yuck, I hate that! I've given up on the Blogger app totally and post from the regular old internet site. Like LWilliams suggests, I just type my post out in a word document, then copy/paste to blogger and add the pictures. I also have a backup of the page code saved, don't ask why I learned to do that :)

    1. Thank you for the advice! I'm definitely going to be more careful from now on.

  3. that's so so so frustrating argh! i often try to keep up to date "previews" of my post open in a separate tab, that way if my draft doesn't save i have that preview available to copy from. still tho, what a pain :(

    also, i do all my content creation and management exclusively off the desktop vs the app bc yea.... reasons haha

  4. Ugh so frustrating! I tend to do my drafts in word or something and only paste into blogger when ready to go.

  5. I can't make the blogger app work at all. It's so frustrating. I don't know why Blogger doesn't make a new one.

    1. My guess is that google would rather put effort into the apps that make it more money, such as Youtube.
