Saturday, August 31, 2019

Playing in the Rain

By now I'm sure I sound like a broken record, but Avalon and I had such a good time today! 

My goal is to visit the barn more often than not. So far this month I have visited the barn twelve times. Since there are thirty-one days this month, I have to visit the barn at least sixteen times in order to achieve my goal. There are five days left, so after you do the math, I can only stay home one day to reach my August goal. This is why I drove out to the barn in the rain. 

As I drove (it's thirty minutes from my house), I dreamed up a plan. In my car I have a tarp, a raincoat, and an broken umbrella (from the last time I used it in my training). I lugged these objects, my grooming tote, and training tools into the round pen. All the horses in the pasture meandered over to check me out. I set my stuff down and turned to see all the horses walk past the round pen gate - except Avalon. She stood in the gateway. I clucked twice to her and she walked right in. I even held the gate wide open and stepped out of the way so that if she wanted to walk back out she could. Instead, she marched over to the pile of toys and started chewing on the umbrella. 

This is a rough clip, I have loud awkward music in the back ground and it's on snapchat. However, I caught the most hilarious moment at the end! 

Did you see it? She bit the button and extended the umbrella! 

I like to torture my horse ;)

When I walked her back to the herd she started to act a little herd-bound, so we turned around and walked back to the hitching post. 

Bedraggled and offended.
Once she stood and licked and chewed, I walked her back to her herd in the rain. I'm so glad that I've made time to visit the barn consistently this month!


  1. That’s awesome! Yes, making goals sure helps to motivate us during the bad days. I didn’t set any this year, and I’m making lots of excuses not to ride and train. Keep it up!
