Sunday, August 4, 2019

If Every Day Was Like Today

I almost didn't visit the barn today. Last week I went six or seven days. It's easy to fall into a pattern, "I missed yesterday and the day before, what's one more day?" However, I stuck to my plan and drove out to the barn. Avalon was in the most wonderful mood. She was laid back and attentive the entire session. I walked out to her in the pasture and put the halter on. As usual, I laid the lead rope over my shoulder and she followed me out of the pasture. Most days I don't even have to hold the lead rope, she just follows my body language. As long as the rope is there, she follows. She even trotted beside me today, without any direct pressure on the rope, just body language. 

When I reached the wash area I realized I had left my tie ring in the barn. So we graduated to "big Girl" tying today. She stood like an angel. Check out that relaxed headset. I love to see her with a loose lip and cocked hoof. 

Too bad the lighting is awkward.
I saddled her up and took her to the arena. She was relaxed and responsive at the walk, trot, and canter. Even when she raised her energy in response to cars driving by or the wind in the trees, she never reached the brain-melted-out-the-ears stage. I don't have pictures, and I don't know how to put it into words, but this session was perfect. Everything was perfect. The connection was there, the words flowed between us. I wish it was always like that. But I know that if every day was like today, today wouldn't be so extraordinary.

1 comment:

  1. Those kind of days are wonderful! She sure is a pretty horse.
