Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Don't Follow a Chevy

Pictures of lovely ranch flowers since I don't have any photos to match this story. 

On July 8th, Kim and L (one of the staff members who oversees intern happenings) told the interns that they had a surprise in store for us. Half of us piled into Kim's black Dodge. The other half followed in L's vehicle. I was in the second vehicle. As we followed Kim, L joked playfully that she knew where we were going, but had no idea how Kim was getting there. 

As we navigated traffic, trying to keep an eye on the truck, someone mentioned that following Kim is like following the lead of the Holy Spirit. You have to keep your eyes on Him, because you have no idea where you are going! We laughed and discussed how important it is to stay focused. God often only gives us the next step. We can't skip ahead or take shortcuts or we'll get lost. We may know the end destination in some cases, but have no idea how we are going to get there. 

Suddenly, we turned back in the direction we had come from. There was a moment of confusion, and then everything made sense. The black truck we had been following for the last few minutes was a Chevy! We burst into laughter as we realized our mistake. There were three or four of us in the vehicle and none of us noticed that we were following the wrong truck. 

It was the perfect addition to our metaphor. When following God's plan for you life, it is important not to confuse his voice with our own, or the influences that surround us. Don't follow a Chevy, or you might get yourself turned around. 

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